Festool C-15 Set

Festool C-15 Set

Recently I made a bit of a splurge purchase. I’m pretty infamous for researching beyond any reasonable amount on any of my tool purchases. But, in this case a good deal and a quick ‘Hey, how is it?’ to one of my fellow Festool junkies and I found myself the owner of a new Festool C15 Set.

After having it now for a few months, I can say that I have no regrets. This time around I’ve done a video review instead of the usual format. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.


The Festool C-15 Set is available on Amazon if you’re interesting in purchasing it, since this review the set has been upgraded to use bigger 4.2ah batteries!

Matt is a woodworker from Calgary, Alberta and runs Westside Woodworks where he makes cutting boards, furniture and other projects.


Matt is a woodworker and avid DIY’er from Calgary, Alberta. As the son of a general contractor he spent a lot of time on job sites learning the ins and outs of construction. His experience ranges from framing, flooring and finishing. He works on a large number of projects on his own home, as well as small jobs for friends and family. When he’s not working he can be found in his home wood shop.

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